Several platforms have adopted native support for anywidget. This means that you can use anywidgets in more places than traditional Jupyter Widgets:
Widgets Gallery
anywidget powers several open source projects. To feature your anywidget, please submit a PR.
Visualize streams of multimodal data. Fast, easy to use, and simple to integrate. Built in Rust using egui.
Sideloaded tesseract.js and pdfjs support for browser powered image and PDF OCR in Jupyter notebooks
A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
Azure Quantum Development Kit
Interactive 2D/3D maps using popular JavaScript libraries with bidirectional communication, such as Cesium, Mapbox, MapLibre, Leaflet, and OpenLayers
Python bindings for the egg-smol rust library
Concept Induction: Analyzing Unstructured Text with High-Level Concepts Using LLooM (CHI 2024 paper). LLooM automatically surfaces high-level concepts to analyze unstructured text.
Python bindings for MapLibre GL JS
A symbolically optimized and pythonic Clifford (geometric) algebra library named after none other than William Kingdon Clifford.
A Jupyter Widget for Niivue based on anywidget.
Binder to the cosmograph visual analytics for big graphs
A collection of expressive Jupyter widgets.
A text embedding viewer for the Jupyter environment
Jupyter Textual-based Widget
A Jupyter widget to plot bandstructure and density of states.
modify and extend genome-scale metabolic models with metabolic pathway information from various metabolic pathways databases or user-curated data sets
A jupyter widget to select chemical elements from the periodic table.
Fancy reprs for Xarray objects in Jupyter notebooks (experimental)
a library that uses LLMs to perform the AGI level task of creating plots.
A jupyter widget to allow input of a python function, with syntax highlighting
A Jupyter widget to show the first Brillouin zone of periodic crystals.
A Jupyter widget for music notation
A python widget talking to cosmograph JS tool
A simple Jupyter Widget to read and write text from the clipboard.
Callysto resources related to lesson plans or lesson planning
CoSo is a lifted solver for combinatorics problems expressed in CoLa.
Babysitting LLMs for Visualization
An interactive videoplayer as Ipywidget.
Integrates fomily to jupyter notebook, which base on anywidget
AiiDA plugin for Bader charge analysis
A Custom Jupyter Widget Library with visualizations created with D3.js
Interactive barcharts for Jupyter
Design flexible node-based workflows using AiiDA
A jupyter widget for processing bacterial growth images
Python package for Lifemap visualizations
A plugin for calculating X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) spectra.
The antd UI for jupyter notebook base on anywidgets
An opinionated zero-config pytorch trainer
Directory for the LLooM python package